Due to an issue with the contract between Surfspot and Adobe, you may get a message that your Adobe license is almost expired. You can ignore this message. Even after the expired date, you should still be able to use the Adobe package. More information can be found at: https://help.surfspot.nl/hc/nl/articles/14682310276764-Waarom-krijg-ik-de-melding-dat-mijn-licentie-verlopen-is
Author: jacobusdevogel
At the moment, you may experience problems with connecting to eduroam on certain Windows devices.
If you have tried:
1) Checking if your NetID password is still up-to-date;
2) Tried logging in on eduroam using username netid@tudelft.nl and password;
Consider rolling back Windows security update KB5033375 and/or KB5032288 to get eduroam working again.
If you are unsure how to do this, please come to our office!