@Hok provides installation guides for different types of software and hardware. Here you can find all the latest manuals for printing and eduroam network. 

Printed copies of these manuals are also available at our office. Of course, we are glad to help you if you encounter any problems with these manuals.

“Like car accidents, most hardware problems are due to a driver error.”

Eduroam (wireless)

As a student or staff member of the TU Delft, you can connect to the wireless network via eduroam with your NetID. As a visitor from other research and education institutions, you can also connect to eduroam with your user credentials from your institution.

If you are a general visitor, you can also connect to eduroam by asking the person or party you’re visiting to create an account through eva.eduroam.nl.

Wired network

Besides a wireless network, there are also wired network connections available on campus. Using a wired connection offers better performance and a more reliable connection.

Most studio tables at BK City have wired connections. Not every network outlet is enabled; outlets should be marked with an “Active” sticker. You must bring your own network cable. A 1-2 meter ‘UTP patch cable’ should suffice. You can buy a cable at Waltman’s Bouwshop in BK City or any computer store.

The one-time registration process for the wired network is straightforward. Plugin and point your web browser to any website or directly to netaccess.tudelft.nl. You will be redirected to a registration page that guides you through the process. Except for visitors, the registration is valid for one year, after which you’ll be asked to register again.


Some resources – such as software licenses, library databases and access to specific servers – are only accessible from the TU Delft campus network. When you’re outside the campus, you can connect through the campus network using VPN, allowing you to access these resources from home, abroad or any other location.

  • eduVPN (SMS verification required)


We have a guide for printing/creating PDFs from Adobe products and printing booklets from Adobe InDesign.

Other Manuals

Manuals on various other topics, such as accessing your TU Delft Webdata, uploading a personal website etc. can be found on ictmanuals.tudelft.nl.

Most manuals on this website are officially maintained by SSC-ICT of the TU Delft. @Hok is involved with writing and updating some of them. The official, the full repository can be found on ictmanuals.tudelft.nl.